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Carbon Steel Lockback Knives
- Bear & Son C2149L 3 3/4" Heritage Walnut Locking Lockback Folding Pocket Knife
- Bear & Son C226 Lockback Knife
- Bear & Son C305 Lockback Folding Pocket Carbon Steel Clip Blade Knife with Smooth Yellow Delrin Handle
- Bear & Son C3149L Cowhand Yellow Lockback Folding Pocket Knife
- Bear & Son C3150L Lockback Knife Yellow Delrin
- Bear & Son C326 Lockback Folding Pocket Steel Blade Knife with Smooth Yellow Delrin Handle
- Bear & Son CRSB05 Lockback Folding Pocket Steel Clip Blade Knife with Red Jigged Bone Handle
- Bear & Son CRSB26 Lockback Folding Pocket Steel Clip Blade Knife with Red Stag Bone Handle
- Boker 110813 Gentleman's Lockback Knife White
- Boker 110814 Gentleman's Lockback Knife
- Boker 110815 Tree Brand Lockback Knife Gray
- Boker 110816 Lockback Knife Dark Blue Bone
- Boker 110818 Gentleman's Lockback Knife Yellow
- Boker 110819ST Lockback Knife Stag
- Boker 110860 Gentleman's Lockback Knife Red
- Boker 110865 Range Buster Lockback Knife Yellow
- Boker Tree Brand Knives 01BO266 Kerberos Lockback Knife
- Browning 0504B Hidden HollowBlack Stonewash Lockback Knife OD Green Handles
- Browning 0506B Large Hidden Hollow Lockback Knife OD green Handles
- Browning 0524B Back Country Lockback Knife
- Dovo 1658009142 Edo 5/8 Straight Razor Maple
- Dovo 1658009143 Edo 5/8 Straight Razor Beech
- Grohmann 340S Mini Russell Lockback Folding Pocket Knife
- Higonokami O13BR Folder Knife with Brass Handle and Lanyard Hole
- Jameson 4 JJ''s Kit Lockback Folding Pocket Knife
- Ka-Bar 4062D2 Dozier Hunter Lockback Knife Blue Handles
- Karesuando 406007 Paltsa Damasteel Lockback Knife Curly Birch Handles
- Kershaw 2033 Cargo Lockback Knife Black Handles
- Kershaw 2034 Debris Lockback Knife Black Handles
- Kershaw 2043 Hatch Lockback Knife Black
- Lion Steel 8800ST Opera Santos Wood Lockback Folding Pocket Knife
- Lion Steel 8800UL Opera Lockback Folding Pocket Steel Blade Knife with Olive Wood Handles
- Lion Steel TM1CB TM1 Lockback Knife Carbon Fiber
- Lion Steel TM1CS TM1 Lockback Knife Carbon Fiber
- Lion Steel TM1MB TM1 Micarta Lockback Folding Pocket Knife
- LionSTEEL TM1BCVG TM1 Lockback Knife Grn Micarta
- LionSTEEL TM1CVG TM1 Lockback Knife Grn Micarta
- Manly 005 Peak D2 Lockback Knife Black Handles
- Marbles 432 Clip Point D2 Lockback Knife Black Micarta Handles
- Mercator 10601 Small Mercator Carbon Folding Knife with Copper Handle
- Mercator 10626 Mercator Copper Lockback Folding Pocket Knife
- Mercator 10701 Small Mercator Carbon Folding Knfie with Brass Handle
- Mercator 10726LB Mercator Brass Large with Band Folding Pocket Knife with Brass Handle
- Mercator 154 Black Cat Lockback Folding Pocket Carbon Steel Blade Knife with Black Metal Handles
- OTTER-Messer 07MSMIGR Carbon Steel Worker Lockback Knife Green Handles
- OTTER-Messer 10426KOL Large Carbon Steel Mercator Lockback Knife Olive Handles
- OTTER-Messer 10426RG Mercator Carbon Steel Lockback Knife Black Stainless Handles
- OTTER-Messer 10436 Mercator Lockback Drop Point Blade Knife with Black Handle
- OTTER-Messer 140 Small Hippekniep Folding Knife with Carbon Steel Construction Blade
- OTTER-Messer Knives 07MS Large Lockback Knife Brown Wood Handles
- OTTER-Messer Knives 07MSHH Large Lockback Knife Buckhorn Handles
- OTTER-Messer Knives 10636RG Mercator Lockback Knife Copper
- OTTER-Messer Knives 10736RG Mercator Lockback Knife Brass
- Queen AWB106L Carbon Steel Lockback Knife Amber Winter Bottom Jigged Bone Handles
- Roper 0004CBB Double Action Lockback Knife
- Roper 0004CRB Double Action Lockback Satin Finish Clip and Spey Blades Knife with Red Jigged Bone Handle
- Roper 0032WS1 Pecos Tumble Weed Lockback Knife Acrylic Handles
- Roper 0032WS2 Tumble Weed Lockback Knife Acrylic Handles
- Roper 0032YD Pecos Tumble Weed Lockback Knife Yellow Delrin Handles
- Roper 0038 Klondike Lockback Knife Brown Checkered Handles
- Roper 0039 Klondike Hawkbill Lockback Knife Brown Checkered Handles
- Rough Rider 1738 Lockback Classic Carbon Steel Clip Point Blade Knife with Yellow Smooth Synthetic Handle
- Rough Rider Reserve 19 Kayak Lockback Knife Oak
- Spyderco 07FP4K390 Police 4 Lockback Knife Blue Handles
- Spyderco 07FS4K390 Police 4 Serrated Lockback Knife Blue Handles
- Spyderco 10FPK390 Endura 4 K390 Lockback Knife Blue Handles
- Spyderco 10FPWK390 Endura 4 Lockback Knife K390
- Spyderco 10FSK390 Endura 4 Lockback Knife Blue
- Spyderco 11FPK390 Delica 4 K390 Lockback Knife Blue Handles
- Spyderco 11FSK390 Delica 4 Lockback Knife Blue
- Spyderco 243FPK390 Endela K390 Lockback Knife Blue Handles
- Spyderco 243FPWK390 Endela Lightweight Lockback Knife
- Spyderco 243FSK390 Endela Serrated Lockback Knife Blue Handles
- Spyderco 255CFPD SpyOpera Sprint Run Lockback Knife Carbon Fiber Handles
- Spyderco 262PBLK390 LeafJumper Lockback Knife Blue
- Spyderco 262SBLK390 Leafjumper Lockback Knife Blue Handles
- Spyderco 28FP2K390 Dragonfly 2 K390 Lockback Knife Blue Handles
- Spyderco 28FP2WK390 Dragonfly 2 K390 Wharncliffe Lockback Knife Blue Handles
- Spyderco 41PGR5 Native 5 Salt Lockback Knife Green
- Spyderco 41PGY5 Native 5 Maxamet Lockback Folding Pocket Knife with Gray Textured FRN Handle
- Spyderco 41SGR5 Native 5 Salt Lockback Knife Green Handles
- Spyderco 88FPGR2 Salt 2 Lockback Knife Green Handles
- Spyderco 88FPWCGR2 Salt 2 Wharncliffe Lockback Knife Green Handles
- Spyderco 88FSGR2 Salt 2 Serrated Lockback Knife Green Handles
- Spyderco 88FSWCGR2 Salt 2 Wharncliffe Serrated Lockback Knife Green Handles
- Spyderco 90FP2K390 Stretch 2 Lockback Knife Blue Handles
- Spyderco 91FPGR2 Pacific Salt 2 Lockback Knife Green
- Spyderco 91FSGR2 Pacific Salt 2 Serrated Lockback Knife Green Handles
- Spyderco LFP3K390 Ladybug Lockback Knife Blue Handles
- Spyderco MFPK390 Manbug K390 Lockback Knife Blue Handles
- V NIVES 30183 Rocky Lockback Black Finish D2 Tool Steel Knife with Black Sculpted FRN Handle
- V NIVES 30190 Rocky Lockback Black Finish D2 Tool Knife with OD Green Sculpted FRN Handle
- V NIVES 30206 Rocky II Lockback Black Finish Knife with Black Sculpted FRN Handle
- V NIVES 30213 Part Serrated Lockback Knife OD Green Handles
- V NIVES 30312 Rocky II Lockback Black Finish Knife with OD Green Sculpted FRN Handle
- V NIVES I09FRNPBBK2 Rocky II Lockback Knife Black Handles
- Windlass 180 Knob Cane
- WithArmour 092SW Stones Lockback Knife