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Nunchucks & Sais
Fans of daredevil performers, like Jackie Chan, Chuck Norris, or Bruce Lee, consider a pair of Nunchucks almost necessary in the art of self-defense. One of the most famous Japanese tools in this market are Nunchucks—a fast, easy-to-use, and affordable weapon. This tool has found great popularity in martial arts like Okinawan kobudô and Karate—used by masters for training novice trainees.
Understanding Nunchucks
Our team at Knife Country USA enjoys sharing useful information with our customers planning to purchase special Nunchucks and knives:
Nunchuku can be easily swirled with the help of hardened handles
With a Nunchaku Knife, it is easy to immobilize and disarm an opponent
This knife is considered an important training tool in martial art programs
Using Nunchaku improves hand-eye coordination and overall balance of one's body
Nunchaku is made of metal, wood, plastic, or fiberglass
These knives are also available in Styrofoam toy models.
Browse Through the Huge Selection of Knives at Knife Country USA
Knife Country USA is one of the most reliable dealers in the knife and outdoor tool industry. Having a flourished inventory, which includes more than 30,000 models of pocket knives, fixed blade knives, hunting knives, butterfly knives, machetes, flashlights and knife sharpeners; Knife Country USA gives you a huge variety of options to choose from. The online store has a huge selection of premium outdoor accessories and survival gear, manufactured and supplied by some of the elite brands across the globe. You can find an array of tactical gear from over 700 name brands including Buck Knives, Case Knives, Cold Steel Knives, CRKT Knives, Gerber Knives, Kershaw Knives, SOG Knives, TOPS Knives, Victorinox Swiss Army and many more. A superb megastore with an expanding product line, you can always trust Knife Country for quality and variety! Call us today if you need further assistance as we are here Monday through Friday for help.
Top Selling Nunchucks & Sais
China Made M3180 Nunchakus with Silver Finish Steel Construction
$12.66$8.02Ships FastShips within 1 business day! We recommend using UPS or Priority Mail Services.10.88" OverallChina Made M3495 Nunchucks with Rattan Wood Construction
$17.89$12.16Ships FastShips within 1 business day! We recommend using UPS or Priority Mail Services.12.25" overallRough Rider 615 Nunchaku with Black Finish Wood Construction
$17.37$10.78Ships FastShips within 1 business day! We recommend using UPS or Priority Mail Services.12" overall nunchakuRough Rider 616 Nunchaku with Black Rubber Construction
$11.97$7.98Ships FastShips within 1 business day! We recommend using UPS or Priority Mail Services.12" overall nunchakuChina Made M3494 Practice Nunchucks with Black Rubberized Construction
$10.11$6.74Ships FastShips within 1 business day! We recommend using UPS or Priority Mail Services.12.25" overallChina Made M470 Chrome Octagon Sai Set with Black Leather Wrapped Handles
$33.86$23.71Ships FastShips within 1 business day! We recommend using UPS or Priority Mail Services.Chrome Octagon Sai Set with Black Leather Wrapped Handles