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Sabre Pepper Spray
- Sabre 04546 Bear Spray Holster
- Sabre 10031 Designer Pepper Spray and UV Marking Dye with Key Ring
- Sabre 10039 Key Ring Pepper Spray Camo
- Sabre 10042 Pepper Gel w/Clip Attachment
- Sabre 10043 Pepper Gel w/Clip Attachment
- Sabre 10050 .54oz 2 In 1 Pepperlight
- Sabre 10350 Aim and Fire Gel Pistol
- Sabre 10351 Gel Pistol Refill
- Sabre 10492 Hard Case Pepper Spray Gray
- Sabre 10496 Red Gel Safe Escape Auto Tool
- Sabre 10501 Hard Case Pepper Spray Purple
- Sabre 10541 ORMD Quick Release Keyring with Black Casing
- Sabre 10542 ORMD Pepper Spray Hardcase with Pink Hardshell Composition Casing
- Sabre 10555 Key Ring Pepper Spray
- Sabre 10558 Key Ring Pepper Spray Pink
- Sabre 10715 Crossfire Pepper Spray
- Sabre 10718 Pepper Gel Pocket Unit
- Sabre 10770 Key Ring Pepper Spray Glow
- Sabre 10775 Jewel Design Pepper Spray Blk
- Sabre 10796 Jewel Design Pepper Spray Pnk
- Sabre 10915 Mighty Discreet Black
- Sabre 10916 Mighty Discreet Mint
- Sabre 10957 Discreet Pepper Spray
- Sabre 10964 Jewel Design Pepper Spray
- Sabre 10991 Flip Top Pepper Gel Blue
- Sabre 11009 Mighty Discreet Soft Pink
- Sabre 15234 Personal Alarm with LED
- Sabre 15236 Jogger Pepper Spray Pink
- Sabre 15237 Jogger Pepper Spray Black
- Sabre 15260 Gel .75oz Turquoise
- Sabre 15301 15 Gram Pink Pepper Gel Spray
- Sabre 15308 Gel Black Flip Top Pepper Spray with Black Plastic Casing with Keyring
- Sabre 15323 Finger Grip Pepper Spray Pink
- Sabre 15324 Finger Grip Pepper Spray Blk
- Sabre 15346 Flip Top Pepper Gel Teal
- Sabre 15347 Pepper Gel Auto Black Tool
- Sabre 15363 Pepper Gel Auto Teal Tool
- Sabre 15373 Pepper Gel Keyring
- Sabre 15374 Finger Grip Pepper Spray Pur
- Sabre 15393 Gel .54oz Black with Whistle
- Sabre 15394 Gel .54oz Pink with Whistle
- Sabre 15395 Gel .54oz Mint with Whistle
- Sabre 15400 Lipstick ORMD Pepper Spray with Pink aluminum Case
- Sabre 15435 Flip Top Pepper Gel Black/Green
- Sabre 80630 Hardcase 2pk
- Sabre 81184 Personal Alarm with 120dB Alarm Audible up to 600 Feet - Pink
- Sabre 91612 Pepper Projectile Refill Kit
- Sabre 91613 Inert 0.68 Caliber Projectiles
- Sabre 91668 Launcher 7 Projectile Launcher
- Sabre 91682 Spare Magazine + 7 SPMCP
- Sabre 95542 Frontiersman Bear Horn
- Sabre 95559 Frontiersman Bear Spray 7.9oz
- Sabre 95562 Frontiersman Bear Spray 9.2oz
- Sabre Pepper Spray 10622 KeyRing Pepper Spray Mint ORMD
- Sabre SBR-F15-PROC Purple Flip Top Key Case With Finger Grip
- Sabre SBR-PA-01 Personal Alarm
- Sabre SR-HC-14-BK Black Size .5 oz Key Case Pepper Spray W/ Quick Release Key Ring
- Sabre SR-M-120L Magnum 120 Locking Top
- Sabre SR-P-22 Pocket Unit W/Clip
- Sabre SR-P-22-OC Pocket Unit W/Clip
- Sabre SR-P-22J Runner Pepper Spray