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Black G-10 Series by Case XX Knives
Case XX Knives started its journey way back in 1889 when four enterprising brothers William Russell Case, Jean, John, and Andrew started selling handcrafted knives in the upstate of New York. It was John Rusell Case, William Rusell Case’s son who started a manufacturing company that was called W.R. Case & Son Cutlery and continues to be widely known as Case XX Knives. The Pennsylvania-based knife manufacturing firm offers a wide range of pocket knives that exemplifies the knives of democratic and integrated State.
Black G-10 Series features a collection of pocket folding knives that have different blades ranging from clip blade that provides quicker and deeper puncture upon insertion to pen point blades for sharp cuts. The knives have stainless steel construction that ensures corrosion resistance and adds durability. Case XX G-10 knives feature silver and black layered G-10 handles that have amazing dimensional stability and do not shrink or swell when exposed to high or low temperatures. Some of the knives also have stainless skinner blade that can be used as a reliable gear during your hunting expeditions. Some knives in the series have blades that are etched with the logo of the brand. The knives feature nickel silver bolsters that add durability and provide counterbalance during deployment. The everyday carry pocket knives also have an inlay shield. The series is loved by campers, hikers, mountaineers, and knife enthusiasts.
Did You Know? Knife Country Offers Knife Maintenance & Repair Tools!
Knife Country is quickly emerging as the preferred place to shop among knife users, collectors, enthusiasts, hobbyists, and others passionate about historically significant, classic or modern knives. The online platform has grabbed the attention of combat specialists and law enforcement agencies too. However, there is demand beyond the scope of just buying knives, i.e. knife-related accessories. Knife maintenance can be demanding. The marketplace for knife-making gear is unstructured. Knife Country makes identifying and buying the most relevant knife-making supplies a lot easier. Knife sharpeners have been trending at Knife Country for the longest time, attracting buyers across North America!
Top Selling Black G-10 Series
Case 092 Sodbuster Folding Pocket with Smooth Black Synthetic Handle
$60.14$41.99Ships FastShips within 1 business day! We recommend using UPS or Priority Mail Services.4.63" closedCase 220 Two Blade Jack Folding Knife with Stainless Clip and Pen Blades
$74.81$55.99Ships FastShips within 1 business day! We recommend using UPS or Priority Mail Services.3.25" Jack Knife.Case 095 Sodbuster Jr Folding Pocket Knife with Black Synthetic Handle
$51.73$36.99Ships FastShips within 1 business day! We recommend using UPS or Priority Mail Services.3.63" Sod Buster.