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Snugpak Basecamp Ops Sleeper Series by Snugpak Outdoor Gear
View all Snugpak Basecamp Ops Sleeper Series
SnugPak is the manufacturer of quality sleeping bags and insulated suits that offer utmost comfort to the outdoor explorer. Based in Yorkshire, the company uses insulation technology when it comes to designing sleeping jackets and bags. The products offered by the brand are the ultimate outdoor essentials and include sleeping bags, notebooks, all weather shelters, backpacks and more. The manufacturer engineers products that provide maximum customer satisfaction.
The Basecamp Ops Sleeper Series by SnugPak Outdoor Gear offers a plethora of sleeping bags options. These bags are particularly designed to offer warmth and comfort in extremely cold conditions. Built robust and durable, these bags have soft touch finish and come in manageable pack size. They are perfect for camping and when using a car to carry your kit. These bags come complete in compression stuff sack and do not take any extra space.
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Top Selling Snugpak Basecamp Ops Sleeper Series
Snugpak 98500 Basecamp Ops Sleeper Lite Green with Polyester Construction
$113.85$89.95Ships FastShips within 1 business day! We recommend using UPS or Priority Mail Services.Sleeping BagSnugpak 98600 Basecamp Ops Sleeper Extreme Green with Polyester Construction
$126.52$99.95Ships FastShips within 1 business day! We recommend using UPS or Priority Mail Services.Sleeping BagSnugpak 98700 Basecamp Ops Sleeper with Polyester Construction
$150.62$109.95Ships FastShips within 1 business day! We recommend using UPS or Priority Mail Services.Sleeping Bag