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Large Assault Pack by Red Rock Outdoor Gear
Established in 1999, Red Rock Outdoor Gear is pioneer in the manufacturing and selling of ghillie suits and camouflage netting. The brand also produces robust and durable tactical and sporting bags and other outdoor utilities. It aims to supply supreme quality outdoor gear to the enthusiasts and derive ultimate utility.
Red Rock Outdoor Large Assault Pack Gear Series include backpacks that are perfect for bug-out or every day carry bags. The polyester construction bags have four expanding compartments with built-in internal dividers and zippered pockets. They have adjustable reinforced padded mesh shoulder straps, waist strap, and a sternum strap that distribute the weight evenly across the shoulders and waist for extreme comfort. The gears feature padded mesh back panel that serves as a concealed pocket or provides storage for any hydration bladder. The compression straps on the three sides tighten down the pack and reduce the volume if you are not fully loaded.
Explore Knife Country USA for the Best Outdoor Gear
Knife Country USA is an online knife and outdoor gear retailer that aims to deliver best quality products and generate maximum customer satisfaction. The portal offers knives and outdoor essentials of different brands under one roof. Be it hunting, camping, fishing, outdoor cooking, or any other outdoor activity, Knife Country has got you covered. You can choose from the wide range of backpacks, rifles, fire starters, and more. The portal offers an array of folding pocket knives, fixed blade knives, and related accessories. Explore our web portico for endless options.
Top Selling Large Assault Pack
Red Rock 80226BLK Large Assault Pack Black with 600 Denier PVC Lined Polyester Construction
$87.53$59.95Ships FastShips within 1 business day! We recommend using UPS or Priority Mail Services.Large Assault Pack BlackRed Rock 80226COY Large Assault Pack Coyote with PVC Lined Polyester Construction
$87.53$59.95Ships FastShips within 1 business day! We recommend using UPS or Priority Mail Services.Large Assault PackRed Rock 80226BOC Lg Assault Pack PRYM1 Black
$92.03$62.95Ships FastShips within 1 business day! We recommend using UPS or Priority Mail Services.11.5" x 18" x 12"Red Rock 80226OD Large Assault Pack OD with Polyester Construction
$87.53$59.95Ships FastShips within 1 business day! We recommend using UPS or Priority Mail Services.BackpacksRed Rock Outdoor Gear 80226TOR Large Assault Pack
$87.53$59.95Ships FastShips within 1 business day! We recommend using UPS or Priority Mail Services.11.5" x 18" x 12"