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Snugpak Inflatable Mats by Snugpak Outdoor Gear
View all Snugpak Inflatable Mats
Founded in 1970s by Brett Harris, SnugPak is the British pioneer that is focused on manufacturing outdoor gears like sleeping bags, backpacks, bunker tents and more. Based in Yorkshire, the company is famous for sleeping bags and insulated clothing options for outdoor explorers. With time the brand has constantly improvised the gears to offer maximum comfort and customer satisfaction.
The inflatable mats by SnugPak are designed to offer extra comfort so that you can feel more comfortable and well-rested. Designed using nylon, the mats offer non-slip base surface for comfortable sleep. Featuring self-inflation mechanism, the mats have blow-and-lock system enabling you to adjust the amount of air required according to your desire. These mats can be deflated and stored easily when not in use. Light-in-weight, they are essential outdoor commodities.
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Top Selling Snugpak Inflatable Mats
Snugpak 91935OD Antarctic Mat OD Green
$163.26$119.95Free ShippingThis item qualifies for free shipping Ships FastShips within 1 business day! We recommend using UPS or Priority Mail Services.73" x 28" x 1"Snugpak 91920OD Basecamp Self Inflating Maxi OD Green
$137.95$99.95Free ShippingThis item qualifies for free shipping Ships FastShips within 1 business day! We recommend using UPS or Priority Mail Services.Basecamp Self Inflating MaxiSnugpak 91900OD Basecamp Air Mat w/Foot Pump OD Green
$137.95$99.95Free ShippingThis item qualifies for free shipping Ships FastShips within 1 business day! We recommend using UPS or Priority Mail Services.Basecamp Air Mat w/Foot PumpSnugpak 91910OD Basecamp Self Inflating Mat OD Green
$113.85$89.95Free ShippingThis item qualifies for free shipping Ships FastShips within 1 business day! We recommend using UPS or Priority Mail Services.Basecamp Self Inflating MatSnugpak 91900CT Basecamp Air Mat w/Foot Pump Coyote Brown
$137.95$99.95Free ShippingThis item qualifies for free shipping Ships FastShips within 1 business day! We recommend using UPS or Priority Mail Services.Basecamp Air Mat w/Foot Pump