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Frost Cutlery Diamond Back Pocket Knives by Frost Cutlery & Knives
View all Frost Cutlery Diamond Back Pocket Knives
DiamondBack Knife Series by Frost Cutlery is a collection of lightweight, pocket knives with razor-sharp performance. Most of the knives in the range are multipurpose and outfitted with different types of blades such as sheepsfoot, clip, and pen blades. The sheepsfoot blades help in slicing while minimizing the risk of accidental piercing from the point. The clip point blade helps in quicker stabbing and piercing jobs. The clip blades with their curved tip design allow it to cut game animals easily without puncturing the animal. Most of these blades are forged from stainless steel with a mirror finish that helps to smoothly glide through the object being cut without producing resistance. The Diamondback pocket knives are paired with a buffalo horn handle or bone handle. The sculpted handles have an artistic pattern that enhances their aesthetic appeal. The textured handles are comfortable to hold and give better control while in action. The DiamondBack Pocket knife is a preferred knife type for hunting, camping, and EDC use.
Top Selling Frost Cutlery Diamond Back Pocket Knives
Frost 14632BJB Baby Diamond Back Blue
$17.37$10.78Ships FastShips within 1 business day! We recommend using UPS or Priority Mail Services.2.75" closedFrost 14632CBH Baby Diamond Back Buffalo
$17.37$10.78Ships FastShips within 1 business day! We recommend using UPS or Priority Mail Services.2.75" closed