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Fox Mini-Ka Knife Series by Fox Knives
Results 1 - 7 of 7
Fox 535 Mini-Ka Linerlock Knife with Black FRN Handle
$94.41$73.56Ships FastShips within 1 business day! We recommend using UPS or Priority Mail Services.2" closedFox 535BL Mini-Ka Linrlock Knife with Blue FRN Handle
$94.41$68.96Ships FastShips within 1 business day! We recommend using UPS or Priority Mail Services.2" closedFox 535O Mini-Ka Linrlock Knife with Orange FRN Handle
$94.41$68.96Ships FastShips within 1 business day! We recommend using UPS or Priority Mail Services.2" closedFox 535OB Mini-Ka Linerlock Knife with Orange FRN Handle
$99.81$78.36Ships FastShips within 1 business day! We recommend using UPS or Priority Mail Services.2" closedFox 535RB Mini-Ka Linrlock with Red FRN Handle
$99.81$82.10Ships FastShips within 1 business day! We recommend using UPS or Priority Mail Services.2" closedFox 535B Mini-Ka Linrlock Knife with Black FRN Handle
$94.19$82.10Ships FastShips within 1 business day! We recommend using UPS or Priority Mail Services.2" closedFox 535BLB Mini-Ka Linerlock Knife with Blue FRN Handle
$99.81$73.46Ships FastShips within 1 business day! We recommend using UPS or Priority Mail Services.2" closed
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