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Wood Jewel Knives
Results 61 – 70 of 70
Wood Jewel Knives 223VK Fixed Blade Rainbow
$67.48$45.88Ships FastShips within 1 business day! We recommend using UPS or Priority Mail Services.7.75" overallWood Jewel Knives 23AVKS Fixed Blade Set Curly
$97.20$66.10Ships FastShips within 1 business day! We recommend using UPS or Priority Mail Services.8" overallWood Jewel Knives 23BK Fixed Blade Black
$40.48$27.52Ships FastShips within 1 business day! We recommend using UPS or Priority Mail Services.7.5" overallWood Jewel Knives 23FP Fillet Knife
$85.05$57.83Ships FastShips within 1 business day! We recommend using UPS or Priority Mail Services.10.75" overallWood Jewel Knives 23L Child's Knife
$44.98$30.58Ships FastShips within 1 business day! We recommend using UPS or Priority Mail Services.6.5" overallWood Jewel Knives 23LUU Fixed Blade
$109.35$74.36Ships FastShips within 1 business day! We recommend using UPS or Priority Mail Services.7.75" overallWood Jewel Knives 23RED Fixed Blade Red
$40.48$27.52Ships FastShips within 1 business day! We recommend using UPS or Priority Mail Services.7.5" overallWood Jewel Knives 23V13 Vuolu 13 Fixed Blade
$97.20$66.10Ships FastShips within 1 business day! We recommend using UPS or Priority Mail Services.9.5" overallWood Jewel Knives 23VISA10 Fixed Blade Curly Birch
$58.73$39.93Ships FastShips within 1 business day! We recommend using UPS or Priority Mail Services.8.75" overallWood Jewel Knives 92 Mushroom Knife
$76.95$52.33Ships FastShips within 1 business day! We recommend using UPS or Priority Mail Services.7.75" overall