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AC 132 EZ Hone Whetstone Sharpeners
EZH-44-0 by Arkansas Sharpeners
List Price: $68.42
Our Price: $46.53
Savings: $21.89 (32%)
Ships FastShips within 1 business day! We recommend using UPS or Priority Mail Services.
Model/Item/Part - AC132. Arkansas Sharpeners - EZ Hone Whetstone Sharpeners. Four stones mounted to wood end blocks with guides for proper angle. Each stone measures 4" x 1" x .25". Coarse (Silicon Carbide), Medium (Soft Arkansas), Fine (Hard Select Arkansas) and Extra Fine (True Hard Grade) stones. Packaged in a clear plastic storage box with 1 oz. bottle of honing oil. Made in USA.
- UPC: 000000102179
- Weight: 0.7 pounds
- Dimensions: 3 × 6 × 1 inches
- Manufacturer/Brand - Arkansas Sharpeners
- Product Number: AC132
- AC 132 - EZ Hone Whetstone Sharpeners
- Four stones mounted to wood end blocks with guides for proper angle
- Each stone measures 4 inch x 1 inch x .25 inch
- Coarse (Silicon Carbide), Medium (Soft Arkansas), Fine (Hard Select Arkansas) and Extra Fine (True Hard Grade) stones
- Packaged in a clear plastic storage box with 1 oz
- bottle of honing oil
- Made in USA