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McNett 19418 Mcnett Camo Form Protective Camouflage Wrap
19418 by McNett Outdoor Gear
List Price: $17.96
Our Price: $12.21
Savings: $5.75 (32%)
Ships FastShips within 1 business day! We recommend using UPS or Priority Mail Services.
Model - MCN19418. Camo Form Self Cling Wrap. MultiCam pattern. Heavyweight stretch fabric wrap - not a tape. Sticks to itself - not your gear. Reusable - leaves no residue. Improves grip in the field. Protects guns and gear from scratches and dirt. Quiets clanking gear. One roll will cover one average shotgun, rifle or bow. MultiCam pattern. Hang packaged.
- UPC: 021563194180
- Weight: 0.15 pounds
- Dimensions: 3 × 5 × 0.5 inches
- Manufacturer/Brand - McNett Outdoor Gear
- Product Number: MCN19418
- McNett 19418 - Mcnett Camo Form Protective Camouflage Wrap
- Heavyweight stretch fabric wrap - not a tape
- Sticks to itself - not your gear
- Reusable - leaves no residue
- Improves grip in the field
- Protects guns and gear from scratches and dirt
- Quiets clanking gear
- One roll will cover one average shotgun, rifle or bow
- MultiCam pattern
- Hang packaged
- Made in USA