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Marttiini 709012 Mushroom Stainless Blade Knife with Mushroom Cleaning Brush
709012 by Marttiini Knives
List Price: $40.43
Our Price: $27.49
Savings: $12.94 (32%)
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Model - MN709012. Mushroom Stainless Blade Knife with Mushroom Cleaning Brush. 7.13 inch overall. 2.63 inch stainless blade. Yellow rubber handle with mushroom cleaning brush. Black leather belt sheath. Made in Finland.
- EAN: 6416885425526
- Weight: 0.15 pounds
- Dimensions: 9 × 4.25 × 2.13 inches
- Manufacturer/Brand - Marttiini Knives
- Product Number: MN709012
- Marttiini 709012 - Mushroom Stainless Blade Knife with Mushroom Cleaning Brush
- 7 1/8 inch overall
- 2 5/8 inch stainless blade
- Yellow rubber handle with mushroom cleaning brush
- Black leather belt sheath
- Made in Finland