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Red Rock 6016 Red Rock Outdoor Gear Survival Kit with Orange Hard Case
06-016 by Red Rock Outdoor Gear
List Price: $29.03
Our Price: $19.74
Savings: $9.29 (32%)
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Model - RED06016. Red Rock 6016 - Red Rock Outdoor Gear Survival Kit with Orange Hard Case. Contents carried in orange hard case with attachment clip (4 1/2" x 3 1/2" x 1 1/4"). Kit includes: built-in mirror, attachment clip, pencil, waterproof paper, matches, flint striker, tea-light candle, survival whistle with belt clip, pocket knife/multi-tool, fishing kit, 2-safety pins, 40' of nylon twine, 6' snare wire, 2-cotton balls, 1 meter duct tape, wire saw, compass, resealable poly-bag. Weight: 2.0 lbs. Made in China.
- UPC: 846637004017
- Weight: 0.45 pounds
- Dimensions: 3 × 6 × 1 inches
- Manufacturer/Brand - Red Rock Outdoor Gear
- Product Number: RED06016
- Red Rock 6016 - Red Rock Outdoor Gear Survival Kit with Orange Hard Case
- Contents carried in orange hard case with attachment clip (4 1/2 inch x 3 1/2 inch x 1 1/4 inch)
- Kit includes: built-in mirror, attachment clip, pencil, waterproof paper, matches, flint striker, tea-light candle, survival whistle with belt clip, pocket knife/multi-tool, fishing kit, 2-safety pins, 40' of nylon twine, 6' snare wire, 2-cotton balls, 1 meter duct tape, wire saw, compass, resealable poly-bag
- Weight: 2.0 lbs
- Made in China