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Hardcore Hammers NS16 Hickory Stick/Tire Thumper
20HS218NS16 by Hardcore Hammers
List Price: $42.73
Our Price: $32.80
Savings: $9.93 (23%)
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Model - HCHNS16. Hickory Stick/Tire Thumper. 18 inch overall. Natural American Hickory handle. Grooved grip. Cord lanyard. Bulk packed. Proudy made here in the USA.
- UPC: 871373568899
- Weight: 0.7 pounds
- Dimensions: 18 × 1.75 × 1.75 inches
- Manufacturer/Brand - Hardcore Hammers
- Product Number: HCHNS16
- Hardcore Hammers NS16 - Hickory Stick/Tire Thumper
- 17.75 inch overall
- Natural American Hickory handle
- Grooved grip
- Cord lanyard
- Bulk packed
- Made in USA