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Beavercraft S43BOOK Spoon and Kuksa Carving Set
S43BOOK by Beavercraft
List Price: $71.55
Our Price: $63.60
Savings: $7.95 (11%)
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Model/Item/Part Number - BVRS43BOOK. Beavercraft Spoon and Kuksa Carving Set. Includes: SK2 spoon carving knife; C4 whittling knife; C3 sloyd carving knife; K6L/15 compact short bent gouge; Honing strop; Green compound; Wooden storage case shaped like a book. Boxed. Made in Ukraine.
- UPC: 712179983847
- Weight: 0.98 pounds
- Dimensions: 10 × 7.5 × 1.75 inches
- Manufacture/Brand - Beavercraft
- Product Number - BVRS43BOOK
- Beavercraft Spoon and Kuksa Carving Set
- Includes: SK2 spoon carving knife; C4 whittling knife; C3 sloyd carving knife; K6L/15 compact short bent gouge; Honing strop; Green compound; Wooden storage case shaped like a book
- Boxed
- Made in Ukraine